Articles in Root

Which QuoVadis digital certificates are trusted by default in Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader?


The QuoVadis Root Certification Authority and QuoVadis Root CA3 are automatically distributed as part of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) as of April 16, 2010.

The following QuoVadis certificates are automatically trusted in Adobe products that support AATL:
  • QuoVadis Advanced+ Certificates marked with the policy OID This includes QuoVadis Swiss ElDI-V and GeBüV, and QuoVadis Bermuda Accredited.
  • QuoVadis Qualified Certificates marked with the policy OID This includes QuoVadis Swiss ZertES Qualified, QuoVadis SuisseID, and QuoVadis Dutch Qualified.
  • QuoVadis PKI Overheid certificates, cross-certified with the “Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G2” and marked with any of the following possible policy OIDs: 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., 2.16.528.1.1003., or 2.16.528.1.1003. Time-stamps by the
  • QuoVadis Time-Stamp Authority with certificates marked with the policy OID