This guide will explain the process for initialising your SafeNet eToken or SafeNet iKey Token. You must have the SafeNet Authentication Client already installed.
- Open the SafeNet Authenticaiton Client Tools.
- Click on Start and then in the Search programs and files bar, type Tools. This should bring up the SafeNet Authentication Client Tools.
- Alternatively, you can right-click on the SafeNet icon in your system tray
and select Tools from the drop-down menu.
SafeNet Authentication Client Tools
- In this window, click the Advanced View icon which is denoted by a Golden Gear symbol
- In the Advanced View, expand the list in the side view until your see the token you wish to initialise. In the example below, this is the SafeNet eToken 510x.
- Highlight the token and click on the Initialize Token button. This is denoted as a symbol of two blue erasers. Alternatively, you can right click the token in the side view and select Initialize Token from the drop-down menu.
Note: Sometimes the tokens are set with a default password. You shouldn't need to enter in a password to intialise a token, however if asked, the default password of the iKey tokens when shipped is 1234567890.
- The Token Initialization window appears. In this window, set the following:
- Token Name - Set a name for this token.
- Check Create Token Password.
- Logon retries before token is locked - This is the number for attempts to enter in your password before the password is locked. QuoVadis recommends setting this to 10.
- Set and confirm a token password. Note: The password that you create must be a complex password.
- Set Administrator Password - This sets an Administrator Password for the token. It is recommended to leave this as unchecked. Also note that certain types of SafeNet tokens do not support this function.
- Token Password must be changed on first logon - Leave this unchecked.
- Once you have configured the settings for initialisation, press the Start button.
- A confirmation window appears. Select 'OK' to continue.