The JSCAPE MFT Server uses Key Manager to create and implement SSL
certificates. This knowledge base article will describe the process for
generating a CSR using the Key Manager.
- Start off by opening Key Manager. You can do this by navigating to File and then selecting the Key Manager file from the main menu.
- When the Key Manager dialog appears, click on the Server Keys tab at the top.
- Click on the Generate button at the bottom.
- In the new Generate key wizard. Step 1 of 2 window, you must select the Alias name, Type and Length.
- Alias: Type in a unique name for the
private key that you will create. You may want to reference in the date
to distinguish between different private keys.
- Type: Select RSA from the drop down list.
- Length: Select 2048 from the drop down menu.
- Once you have entered in the fields, click on the Next>> button.
- The Generate key wizard. Step 2 of 2 window will appear. Here you will select the Validity and Subject DN (content) of the certificate.
- Period: Select the number of days that this certificate will be valid for. Note: QuoVadis can overwrite the time that you select.
- Common Name: This is also referred to the as the FQDN
(Fully Qualified Domain Name). This is the Host plus the Domain Name.
It looks like "" or "".
- Organizational Unit: This field is the name of the department or other group making the request within the organisation.
- Organization: This is the exact legal name of the company as it is registered.
- Locality: The locality field is the city or town name, for example: Hamilton or London.
- State/Province: Spell out the state completely; do not abbreviate the parish, state or province name, for example: Pembroke or Connecticut.
- Country code: Use the two-letter code without punctuation for the country, for example: BM or UK or CH.
- Once you have finished, click on the OK button.
- When you are back in the Server Keys tab in the Key Manager window, highlight the private key that you just created and click on the Generate CSR button at the bottom.
- When the Generate CSR window appears, click on the Browse button to specify a location and name for your CSR file.
- Once you have specified a name and location for your CSR file, you can click on the OK button back in the Generate CSR window.
- Submit your CSR to QuoVadis for processing. Please ensure that
you include the "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" and "-----END