Articles in Root

How do I install an SSL Certificate into Netilla SSL VPN?


How do I install an SSL Certificate into Netilla SSL VPN?


This tutorial will be given in 3 parts.  All parts must be completed, but you may find that either Part I and/or Part II may already be completed depending on if this is not your first QuoVadis SSL installation.  If the certificate installation is a renewal of an already existing QuoVadis certificate, you may not need to do Parts I and II as you should already have installed the certificates previously.  The intermediate files must also be installed to ensure that some browsers do not show a certificate error.

Part I - Installing the Root Certificates

You must first install the QuoVadis Root CA 2 certificate.  If the root certificate is not present when you install the SSL certificate, you will receive an error when installing the SSL certificate.

  1. Open the Netilla Administrator.

  2. Once the Netilla Administrator is open, navigate to System Configuration > General > SSL > CA certificates and then click on Upload New.

  3. In the Upload New CA Certificate window, you will need to paste in the PEM formatted contents of QuoVadis Root CA 2 certificate.

  4. Note: You can obtain the PEM formatted contents of the QuoVadis Root CA 2 certificate at

  5. Click on the Submit button.

Part II - Installing the Intermediate (chaining) Certificates

Part II explains how to install the intermediate files that are required.  QuoVadis uses various Intermediate certificates that must be installed on the server to prevent errors in certain browsers.

First you must open the Netilla Administrator.

  1. Once the Netilla Administrator is open, navigate to System Configuration > General > SSL > CA certificates and then click on Upload New.

  2. In the Upload New CA Certificate window, you will need to paste in the PEM formatted contents of QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G2 (SHA 256).

  3. Note: You can obtain the PEM formatted contents of the QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G2 certificate at

  4. Click on the Submit button.

Part III - Installing the Certificate

Part III explains how to install the SSL certificate.

  1. Once the Netilla Administrator is open, navigate to System Configuration > General > SSL > Certs from CA > Upload Cert from CA.

  2. Paste in the PEM formatted contents of SSL certificate that you received from QuoVadis.

  3. Note: This SSL certificate will need to be in PEM format in order to copy the contents from it.

  4. Click on the Submit button.