Installing a digital certificate onto a cryptographic token where the
Private Key is displayed in the token software as an "Orphan Object".
Typically, when using tokens the Public and Private Keys are generated
locally on the token, and the Public Key provided to the CA to create a
digital certificate.
In some circumstances, when Trust/Link attempts to install the
certificate on the token it is not united with the corresponding Private
Key which becomes an "Orphan Object".
The user must contact their Trust/Link Administrator if the record for
the certificate in their Certificate Holder portal does not have an Install button. Contact details for the Administrator are shown within that portal.
The Administrator will locate the record in Trust/Link and select Resend Download Info. This will send a new download link to the user, and will re-initiate the installation process.
The user will now see options for Revoke, Install, and Download on the record for the certificate in their Certificate Holder portal.
Using this Install button will attach the certificate onto the Orphan Object (or the private key) to complete the installation onto your token.