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The Submit button does not work when I try to submit a CSR into Trust/Link


When using Trust/Link, the Submit button does not work when I try to submit a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).



This issue typically occurs when an SSL Subscriber logs into Trust/Link directly from a Windows Server to submit their CSR.  Internet Explorer on a Windows Server has its default security settings set "High".  As the SSL Subscriber page requires Javascript to run, the high security settings prevent the Submit button from running the script needed to submit the CSR for processing.

You may also notice at the top of the SSL Subscriber page when submitting a CSR a message that reads:

"Important Note: Currently JavaScript is disabled in your browser.
As this site relies on JavaScript in certain areas, full functionality requires that you enable JavaScript before continuing."

In order to submit a CSR on the Windows Server you must add Trust/Link to the trusted list in your browser settings.  The following steps explain how to do this.

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. On the right-hand side of the browser, click on Tools.
  3. Select Internet Options from the bottom of the drop-down menu.
  4. In the Internet Options wizard, click on the Security tab.
  5. Click on the Trusted sites zone.  This is denoted by a green tick icon.
  6. Click on the Sites button just underneath that is now selectable.
  7. In the new Trust sites window, type into the Add this website to the zone: field.
  8. Click on the Add button.  This will include the address into the Websites: field.
  9. Click on the Close button.
  10. Back in the Internet Options window, click on the OK button.

You should now be able to submit your CSR successfully.  Please make sure to refresh your browser if you make these changes while the SSL Subscriber portal is still open.