Constellix provides account administrators with the ability to add contact groups for ease of management. Groups are helpful for customizing billing notifications based on events. This tutorial will walk you through the process of configuring contact groups.
1. Navigate to Manage Contacts and Groups
After logging into Constellix, navigate to the Billing portal. Select Contact Lists in the menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard page.
You should now be on the Manage Contacts and Groups page.
2. Add a Group
To add a contact, select the +Add Group button.
3. Enter Group Details
In the Group popup window, specify a group name, choose the contacts you want to be added to this specific group, and select which events will trigger notifications for the group. Click Save Changes at the bottom right of the window to complete.
After saving changes, your new group will be added to the Group column. As shown below, you will now see the group you added, how many contacts are in the group (contact icon), and how many events are configured (blue alert icon).
If you need to create additional groups, repeat steps 2 and 3.
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