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Edit a Billing Contact

Solution ID : SO189
Last Modified : 10/28/2023


Constellix provides account administrators with the ability to add multiple contacts for ease of billing management. This tutorial will walk you through the process of editing a contact previously added to the Constellix Billing Console.

Note: Visit our Constellix Billing FAQ for common questions related to our Billing Console features.


  • A domain or Sonar check has been added to your account
  • You have already added one or more contacts to the Constellix Billing Console

: For help creating a contact in your list, visit our Create a Billing Contact tutorial.

How to Edit a Billing Contact in Constellix

  1. Navigate to Manage Contacts 

    After logging into Constellix, navigate to the Billing portal. Select Contact Lists in the menu on the left-hand side of the dashboard page. 

    You should now be on the Manage Contacts and Groups page.

  2. Edit a Contact 

    Click the edit icon beside the contact email that you want to change. 

  3. Edit Contact Email or Group 

    In the Contact popup window, you can change the contact’s email address and add or remove a contact from a group. 


A. Edit contact email address: If the contact has changed email addresses, add the new email here.

B. Select or Deselect all: If you want to add or remove the contact from all groups, you can do so quickly by clicking the blue + or - icons under Manage Contact Groups.

C. Select Group: Manually add or remove contacts from certain groups.

To save your adjustments, click Save Changes at the bottom right of the window.

To edit additional contacts, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Note: For help with groups, visit our Create a Billing Group or Edit a Billing Group tutorials.

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