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Manually Add and Configure Domains in Constellix

Solution ID : SO289
Last Modified : 10/21/2023

This guide will facilitate the user in adding and structuring domains in Constellix manually. Constellix also offers the New Domain Wizard that guides users through the process of adding and configuring records. 


In order to add a domain to the Constellix website, the following must be established prior:

  • A Constellix account has been created and you have a hosted domain ready to add.
  • You do not have a domain added to your account or you are adding a domain for the first time to an existing account.
  • You know how to add nameservers to your registrar

Manually Add a Domain in Constellix

1. Navigate to your DNS dashboard 

There are two ways to reach the DNS dashboard.

a) Log into the Constellix DNS dashboard.

b) Under the Managed DNS section of the left sidebar, select Domains.

2. Add Domain

Click on the Add Domain button from the upper-right corner of the screen.

3. Enter your domain name(s)
Enter your domain in the required field and click the Save button (see Add a Domain with Advanced DNS Configurations below for details regarding specific settings). 

Up to 100 domains can be entered. If adding more than one, separate the domains with a comma.

4. Contact your domain registrar 

The Success window will pop up with the nameservers for your domain. You will be prompted to contact your domain registrar. Request the provided nameservers to be assigned to your domain name. Within a few minutes of the assignment, your domain will be ready for records to be added. 

Click on the Close button to exit.

Be sure to add your records before delegating nameservers to your registrar to avoid any "records not found" errors when someone tries to access your website.

Add Records For Your Domain 

Once you have closed the Success window, you will be taken to the Constellix dashboard. The following video will assist you in adding records to a domain in Constellix. 

Add a Domain With Advanced Configurations

The process for adding a domain is the same as above, but rather than clicking Close after entering your domain(s), click on Advanced Settings to make necessary DNS management configurations. See the Advanced DNS Settings Fields and Descriptions table below for a brief explanation of each setting. 

Click Save and proceed with step 4 above.

Advanced DNS Settings Fields and Descriptions

Field Description
Select Tag Tags allow you to categorize, filter, and add templates to various domains. 
Global Traffic Director Check the box next to Global Traffic Director if for different query responses based on region. 
GeoIP GeoIP enables you to make decisions based on the querying client when this box is checked.
Apply Template

Using templates for DNS records lets you apply the same standards and configurations to all of your domains at once. If any changes are made to your template, then it will update all records that use the template. 

Tip: DNS templates are useful for web hosting companies or for organizations with especially large websites.
Vanity Nameserver Configuration
The Vanity NS Config option allows you to rebrand or white label our nameservers for brand recognition. This feature is also ideal for web hosting companies or for security purposes if your servers are on-site.
Secondary DNS Provider

If you have a secondary DNS provider, this configuration allows Constellix to propagate changes to the checked cloud provider. If you make a change to the control panel or API to customize your DNS, we will make the necessary changes and APIs to the cloud provider to ensure they have the exact same configuration for you.


Note: Certain advanced DNS functionality that Constellix offers might not be supported by some Secondary DNS providers.
Import DNS Records
The record import option allows you to copy DNS records from an existing template or domain in Constellix. If supported by your previous provider, you can also transfer your records from an external domain via IXFR/AXFR. Constellix also permits you to import zone files that you want to add to your account. This automatically puts the domain name to the zone file and brings it into Constellix.