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DNS Account Activity Log

Solution ID : SO374
Last Modified : 10/21/2023

The account activity log is a summary of all changes made over the history of your account. It includes the source IP and user account that performed the change as well as what event took place and when.

You will also see the following information:

  • Login events
  • Account updates
  • DNS changes
  • Failover events

DNS changes will be hyperlinked and take you directly to the version history for the domain it applies to. Here, you will see the new and previous values.

How to View Your DNS History Log in Constellix

1. Select Activity Log

After logging in to the Constellix DNS dashboard, click on the gray View Activity Log in the side menu on the left. 

2. View Activity Log  

After clicking View Activity Log, a new tab will open in your browser that will populate with all events that have taken place in your account. 

Note: It may take several seconds for your activity log to load depending on how much data is in your account.
Note: As mentioned above, DNS changes are hyperlinked and will take you directly to the version history for the domain it applies to. To learn more about version history, visit our tutorial on DNS Version Control.

By default, activity is shown from most recent to oldest, but you are able to specify a time period as well.

3. Export  Activity Log (optional)

To export a copy of your activity log for offline use, just click the green Export CSV button. 

After clicking the Export button, you will be prompted to save the file on your device.