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How do I generate a CSR using Microsoft Small Business Server 2011?


How do I generate a CSR using Microsoft Small Business Server 2011?


This knowledge base article explains the process for creating a certificate signing request on Microsoft Small Business Server 2011 through the console.

  1. Open up the Windows Small Business Server console.

  2. Click on the Network section at the top and then select the Connectivity tab.

  3. Underneath Connectivity Tasks on the right-hand side, click on Add a trusted certificate.

  4. The Add a Trusted Certificate wizard will appear. Click on the Next button.

  5. On the Get a Certificate page, select I want to buy a certificate from a certificate provider and then click on the Next button.

  6. On the Verify the information for your trusted certificate page, input the information as follows:

    Issued to: This will be the Common Name on the certificate.  The Common Name is the Host + Domain Name.  It looks like “” or “”.
    Organization: The legal name of your organization.
    Country: Use the two-letter code of your country without punctuation, for example: BM or UK or CH.
    State / Province: Spell out the state completely; do not abbreviate the parish, state or province name, for example: Pembroke or Connecticut.
    City: The city field is the city or town name, for example: Hamilton or Stamford.

  7. Once you have done this, click on the Next button.

  8. Your CSR will be generated and presented on the Generate a certificate request screen. You can either click on Save to File to save the CSR to a separate file for later use or you can click on Copy to copy the CSR to your clipboard.

    Suggestion: It is recommended to click on Save to File.  This way you have a copy of the CSR if something where to happen to your clipboard. It also may be difficult to time having Trust/Link open during this step as you have a limited amount of time to submit the CSR request in the SSL Subscriber portal.

  9. Click on the Next button.

  10. On the A request is in progress... screen, select My certificate provider needs more time to process the request and click on the Next button.

  11. On the next page, click on the Finish button.

  12. If you haven't done so already, submit the CSR to the SSL Subscriber portal in Trust/Link.