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AAAA Record

Solution ID : SO99
Last Modified : 10/21/2023

AAAA records are IPv6 address records that map a hostname to an IPv6 address.

How to Configure

1. Navigate to Managed DNS

2. Select your Domain

3. Add the Record

Under “AAAA Records” click the plus sign to add a new record.

We will add an AAAA record to the domain example.com for the root record example.com which maps to an IPv6 address of 2600:1800:0::1 with a TTL of 1800 seconds. Then click submit.

  • Name: The hostname for the record. To set the record for the root domain (@), leave this field blank.
  • IPv6: The IPv6 address of your server.
  • TTL: Time to Live, measured in seconds, determines how long the record is cached in resolvers.



AAAA record for www of domain:

Name TTL Type Data Configuration
www.example.com. 1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::10

A record configuration setting www to 2600:1800:5::10


AAAA record for apex / root:

Name TTL Type Data Configuration

1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::10

A record configuration for apex / root record to 2600:1800:5::10


AAAA record round-robin for apex/root record:

Name TTL Type Data Configuration

1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::10

A record configuration for apex / root record to 2600:1800:5::10

example.com. 1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::11
AAAA record configuration for apex / root record to 2600:1800:5::11


AAAA record details:

The end result of this record is that your traffic will be split for example.com..  50% of your traffic will go to 2600:1800:5::10 and 50% of your traffic will go to 2600:1800:5::11.

AAAA record wildcard configuration.

Name TTL Type Data Configuration
www.example.com. 1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::10

AAAA record configuration setting www to 2600:1800:5::10

1800 AAAA 2600:1800:5::11
A record configuration setting the wildcard to 2600:1800:5::11


The end result is all traffic going to www.example.com will point to 2600:1800:5::10, whereas, all traffic requesting any other (unspecified) hostname will point to 2600:1800:5::11. 

Tip: If you plan on changing your IP you should set your TTL to a low value a few hours before you make the change. This way you won’t have any downtime during the change. Once your IP is changed you can always raise your TTL to a higher value again.