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Avoiding Access Denied Errors When Sharing API Details in KeyLocker

Solution ID : INFO147
Last Modified : 10/26/2024


A common issue occurs when one user sets up a KeyLocker account; configures API details, and shares those details with another user. This often leads to internal access denied or credential errors for the second user, which are not very descriptive.

This guide will help you understand why this happens and how to resolve it without needing to contact support.

The Common Scenario

  • User 1 creates and configures their KeyLocker account and API details successfully.

  • User 1 shares API credentials with User 2.

  • User 2 encounters an internal "Access Denied" or credential error when attempting to sign or access KeyLocker features.


Why This Happens

  • The API details and configuration are tied to User 1’s credentials and permissions.

  • Sharing API details between users does not transfer the necessary access rights or environment variables to User 2.

  • This results in User 2 experiencing access or credential issues, often without a clear error message.


How to Solve the Issue

To avoid these access problems, User 2 must set up their own API details and configuration:

  1. User 2 should generate their own API credentials via the KL admin panel or portal.
  2. Follow the standard process for configuring environment variables and permissions for the new API credentials under User 2’s account.
  3. Ensure User 2 has the appropriate signing rights and roles assigned within the KeyLocker system.


Preventing Future Issues

  • Best Practice: Avoid sharing API credentials between users. Each user should create their own set of API details to prevent errors.

  • If multiple users need access to sign or configure KeyLocker, ensure each user has been properly added to the system with the correct roles and permissions.



  • Common Error: "Access Denied" or credential issues when using shared API details.

  • Solution: Generate new API credentials for each user and configure environment variables correctly.

By following these steps, you can prevent "Access Denied" errors and ensure a smooth experience for all users involved. Properly assigning roles and generating new API details for each user will avoid unnecessary support tickets and delays.