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Export a code signing certificate as a PFX file

Solution ID : INFO142
Last Modified : 07/16/2024

If your code signing certificate is stored on a USB token, Hardware Security Module (HSM) or using DigiCert KeyLocker, it will not be possible to export the certificate as a PFX file.

The private key for code signing certificates issued on or after the 1st of June 2023 must be stored on a secured storage device in order to meet CA/Browser Forum requirements. More information on the requirements can be found here: New private key storage requirement for Code Signing certificates

If your certificate was issued before the 1st of June 2023 and was imported into the certificate store on your build machine then it may be possible to export the certificate and private key as a PFX file.

If the machine that the certificate was imported to is a Windows machine, you can export the certificate and private key using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The export steps can be found in this guide: Exporting a .pfx using MMC

If you are not sure where your certificate is located, please contact support.