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How to locate the CSR on previous orders or certificates

Solution ID : TL14
Last Modified : 03/23/2024
Note: CSRs submitted for previous orders and certificates can be located on the order page in the Customer CertCentral Account.

The following steps serve as a guide to locating the CSR on certificate orders:

  1. In your CertCentral account, go to the certificate's Order # details page.
    1. In the sidebar menu, select Certificates > Orders.
    2. On the Orders page, locate the certificate order you need to find the CSR on.
    3. In the Order # column of the certificate order, select the order number link.
  2. In the Order details page, in the Certificate information – Under Additional certificate information, find CSR.
  3. Select 'View'.

    1. To locate the CSR of previous certificate reissues and duplicates on the order, Click the 'Certificate History' tab.
    2. On the 'Certificate History' tab, select the Certificate ID you need to find the CSR on.
  4. On the expanded Certificate Information Tab, find CSR.
  5. Select 'View'.

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