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Payment information

DigiCert accepts the following payment methods: Credit Card, Purchase order (PO), Checks (cheques) and Wire/ACH transfer.

Set Up Your DigiCert Provided eToken

Learn how to set up and install a certificate on your eToken.

DigiCert Driver Signing Certificates for Microsoft Windows

Starting in 2021, Microsoft will be the sole provider of production kernel-mode code signatures. You will need to start following Microsoft’s updated instructions to sign any new kernel-mode driver packages going forward.

Creating a CSR and install your SSL certificate on your Windows server 2016

If you are looking for a simpler way to create CSRs and install and manage your SSL Certificates, we recommend using the DigiCert® Certificate Utility for Windows.

SSL Certificate Installation Instructions and Tutorials

DigiCert SSL Certificate installation tutorial for Apache, Microsoft IIS, Sun, Novell, & more.

DigiCert Support Plans

This Service Level Agreement (“SLA”) governs the support plans for DigiCert’s Systems.

Advisory: 8 March 2023 Intermediate Certificate Authorities (ICA) certificates expired

On 8 March 2023, at 05:00 MST (12:00 UTC), the following DigiCert Intermediate Certificate Authority (ICA) certificates expired:

End of life for WHOIS-based DCV methods

To comply with industry changes mandated by the ballot, certificate authorities must stop using WHOIS to identify domain contacts for email, fax, SMS, postal mail, and phone domain control validation methods.

How to create a CSR using OpenSSL & install your SSL certificate on a Nginx server

Use the DigiCert OpenSSL CSR Wizard to generate an OpenSSL command for creating your Nginx CSR.

HSM Configuration | PKI Platform

Installation and configuration steps for SafeNet and nShield HSMs supported by the PKI Enterprise Gateway and Autoenrollment Server components