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Installing SSL certificate Node.js

Solution ID : SO310521162335
Last Modified : 10/21/2023

Step 1: Download SSL Certificate Files

Log in to CertCentral and download the certificates from the order page by following these steps:

  1. Log in to CertCentral
  2. Click on Certificates and then Orders
  3. Click on your order number and then select “Download certificate as
  4. Select “other” or “individual .crts


Step 2: Create https_server.js file & upload SSL files to the same directory as the server.js file.

To create the server.js file for the SSL connection, use the following values. You can give any name to the server.js file.

Step 3: Start Node.js

Apply the following command to start the https_server file

# node https_server.js



The SSL Certificate is now active on Node.js