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DigiCert® Software Trust Manager | Jarsigner Self-Signed Certificate Warning

Solution ID : SO090721151951
Last Modified : 06/13/2024


When signing Java files with jarsigner, using a DigiCert® Software Trust Manager certificate created with Java keytool, the “jar signed” success message may include a warning: “The signer’s certificate is self-signed.


If the keystore that contains the signing certificate also contains the CA certificate from your DigiCert ONE account (this can be confirmed by viewing the keystore contents using “keytool list -keystore ‘path to keystore file’ “, to see if the CA certificate is listed), this error is due to some versions of keytool erroneously marking the certificate as self-signed during creation.

This can be remedied by creating a new certificate from the same key pair, either within the DigiCert ONE account interface in your browser or by using the DigiCert® Software Trust Manager client tools in command line.

The newly created certificate’s chain should be recognized, which eliminates the self-signed certificate warning in jarsigner.


For additional assistance, contact DigiCert PKI Support.